Diagnóstico 6to Derecho 2
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Listening.  Listen to this conversation and fill in the blank spaces.
1.Receptionist: Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I …………… *
2.Mrs Ryefield: Yes. I´d like to book a …………, please. *
3.Receptionist: Certainly. When for, madam?
4. Mrs Ryefield: March the 23rd.
5. Receptionist: …………………… will you be staying? *
6. Mrs Ryefield: Three nights.Receptionist: What kind of room would you like, madam?
7.Mrs Ryefield: Er... double with bath. I´d appreciate it if you could give me                 a room with a view over the ……………. *
8. Receptionist: Certainly, madam. I´ll just check what we have available. . .                 Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really splendid view.
9. Mrs Ryefield: Fine…………………….. is the charge per night? *
10. Receptionist: Would you like ………………………. *
11. Mrs Ryefield: No, thanks.
12. Receptionist: It´s ………………………… euro per night. *
13. Mrs Ryefield: That´s fine.Receptionist: Who´s the booking for, please, madam?Mrs Ryefield: Mr and Mrs Ryefield, that´s R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.
14. Receptionist: Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr and Mrs Ryefield. Double                  with bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. ………………………….. *
15. Mrs Ryefield: Yes it is. Thank you.
16. Receptionist: Let me give you your ……………………………….. It´s: 7576385. I´ll repeat                  that: 7576385. Thank you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye. *
Actividad 2
Reading. Read the text about Paul Mccartney´s early life and then  answer T for true, F for false or DS for doesn´t say.
Paul McCartney was born June 18, 1942, in Liverpool, England. His work as a singer/songwriter with the Beatles in the 1960s helped transform popular music into a creative, highly commercial art form. He is also one of the most popular solo performers of all time in terms of both sales of his recordings and attendance at his concerts.Encouraged by his father to try out multiple musical instruments, Paul McCartney began his lifelong love affair with music at an early age. Though he took formal music lessons as a boy, the future star preferred to learn by ear, teaching himself the Spanish guitar, trumpet and piano. In 1957, the teenaged musician met John Lennon at a church festival where both young men were performing. Sensing an early affinity, McCartney joined Lennon's band, the Quarrymen.The impact that the Beatles would ultimately have on '60s popular culture is hard to overstate. "Beatlemania" soon gripped the world, and when the group made their debut in America, the media dubbed the period of musical crossover between the two nations the "British Invasion." This era would truly have a lasting impact on rock 'n' roll.During a decade full of political and social strife, the Beatles expressed the broader hopes of their contemporaries for peace, love and rock 'n' roll. McCartney in particular would write more hits for the band than any other member. Songs like "Yesterday," "Hey Jude," "Let It Be," "Yellow Submarine" and "Hello, Goodbye" would provide the soundtrack for a generation. From 1962 to '70, the group released 12 hit studio albums, touring almost constantly, before disbanding.
1. His work with the Beatles helped transform popular tv series. *
2. He is very popular not only because of sales of his recordings, but also for attendance to his concerts. *
3. His father wanted him to play musical instruments. *
4. He didn´t need to take music lessons to learn the Spanish guitar, the trumpet and the piano. *
5. John Lennon was born in 1957 in a church Paul played music for the first time. *
6. By the time the two musicians met (Lennon and Mccartney), Lennon had a band named the Quarrymen. *
7. The impact the Beatles had upon music, specially tropical music in South America was remarkable for the passion it conveyed. *
8. Beatlemania, was the name of the effect the Beatles generated upon society and culture. *
9. Most of the Beatles songs expressed a desire for peace and specially Mccartney was resonsible for writing many songs including Yellow submarine” and “Yesterday”. *
10. They toured for 8 years and during that period of time they filmed their own documentary. *
Activity 3. Write  Zero or First Conditional sentences and fill in  the  correct  gaps with IF or WHEN
1____ she _______(get up) in the  morning, she   _______ (start) texting her friends. *
2 ____ people live to be 100 in the UK, they ______(receive) a letter from the queen. *
3 _____ the girl ___________(not get)  better, I ____      (have to) call the doctor. *
4 You_______ (have to) buy a car  ___    you _____ (make) the decision  to give  private classes.                     *
5 _____ I ____________(not tell) Josh the truth,      he __________(not know) he’s dating a shoplifter. *
6  ____ you _______(stay) indoors all the time, you     _________(not become)  healthier. *
7  Ice ________ (melt) easily ____ you ________(leave)  it near the cooker. *
8  ____________  (you – can- give) this letter to Susan ____ you _______(meet) her before lunch time, please? *
9   _______ it rains, I _________(put on) a raincoat and     I  ________(take) an umbrella with me. *
10   _______ you ____________ (not water) the garden       every day,  the flowers ___________ (not bloom). *
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