Entry Form for the WPS Trainee Poster Competition & Session at the Annual Spring Gala - Friday Evening, April 4, 2025
Open to Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows. 

Complete and submit this form with your abstract on or before Friday, February 7th. You will be notified of abstract acceptance on or before Friday, February 21st. Upon abstract acceptance, a .pdf or .jpg slide of your poster must be received on or before Friday, March 7th.  

(Poster boards with poster numbers, a numbered poster list, and push pins will be available for set up at the competition.)

Awards will be presented in person at the symposium. The primary author of the poster must be present with their poster to be eligible for an award. There is no cost for the primary, presenting author to attend the event. If you need more information or have any questions, please email cthompson@nextwavegroup.net.

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Check all that apply to you. WPS or APA membership not required to participate. 
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