Student Matching Form
This information may be used to match you with a Volunteer Mentor.
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Email *
Phone Number *
Your Name
High School Email
Current Grade
Expected Graduation Year
Is there a Volunteer Mentor that you would like to be matched with? If so, who?
Do you have an interest in a specific college or training program? If so, please describe it:
Please list any special skills, interests, or hobbies:
Do you have a specific career interest area? If so, please describe:
Time Availability
Please remember that you will meet with your Volunteer Mentor during school hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) on school days in the College and Career Center (Room 1201)
When are you available to meet with a Volunteer Mentor? (Day and Time):
Items of Interest
Please check all items that you're interested in learning more about:
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