MacCL Resume Workshop Sign-up Form
Hey there!

It's this time of the year - when everyone is hustling to apply for jobs and internships! We know that this is a rigorous time, and we want to help you! Therefore, this resume workshop is organized so that those who need help can get help, and those who'd love to be helpful can both be helpful and learn something from teaching others! There will be mentors and mentees, but all are among our MacCL community, so it'll be super casual - general resume/project/activity tips from mentors, then breakout rooms to actually work on mentee's resumes. If this sounds of interest to you, please fill out this form so we know who'll come!

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Your name *
Your email *
Your class year *
Would you like to join the workshop as a mentor or a mentee? *
If you sign up to be a mentor, how do you think you can be helpful to your mentees? *
Check all that apply. This question is just for the purpose of preparation from us. There's no disqualification here!
If you sign up to be a mentee, where are you on your resume prep? *
What do you hope to get out of this resume workshop? *
One quick question: which time below works best for you this Thursday, Oct. 8 (resume workshop day)? *
Thanks for signing up! We'll send you updates and confirmation soon. In the meantime, feel free to email us with any questions or concerns. See you on Thursday! <3
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