If you are associated with an organization, what is the name of your group? *
Your answer
Phone number *
Your answer
Location (city, state) *
Your answer
Why are you interested in partnering with the Grand Salmon trip and team? Please share your "why" here. *
Your answer
This form is to gauge initial interest in event planning (a separate form for volunteering is also an option). Please select an option below that matches closest with your interest. *
What do you hope to gain or have the outcome be from this event partnership? *
Your answer
Where do you foresee this event taking place (examples include: on river, a campsite, in a park or community space, in a town/city etc) and what logistics would you need from our team to help successfully execute it? *
Your answer
Please share any other important details you'd like to add here. Thank you for your interest and our team will be in touch with you soon!
Your answer
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This form was created inside of Idaho Rivers United.