Contact us at Zoseco Coworking
We would like to earn your business, please either introduce yourself at (219) 488-2689 or complete this form to continue. 
(You do NOT need to sign into a Google account to complete this form, you can ignore Google's request for that)
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What is your name? *
What membership types are you interested in? *
What is your phone number? *
We will call or text to coordinate the tour
And what is your email? (optional)
You will not be signed up for marketing emails
If you would like to, please help us understand more about you and your needs.
For example, What are you most interested in about potentially joining?
What day would you prefer to come in for a tour or buy a day pass for? 
We will confirm tour dates via a call or text, and with day pass purchases we will send you an invoice and instructions on how to access the space.
(optional) Is there anything else you would like to share?
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