Moonshine Creek Donation Request
Moonshine Creek Distillery Inc. is an incorporated company and is pleased to support many community and charity events each year with donations for charity fundraising initiatives. Each year, Moonshine Creek receives a high volume of requests for donations.

Given a large number of requests, our donation policy indicates that donations are limited and must meet specific criteria, as outlined below:

•The requesting organization must be a non-profit organization, with preference given to registered charities.
•The event must be an art or community event.
•The event must not be targeted specifically to kids under the age of 19
•Approved by the leadership team

To allow sufficient time to review your request, all requests should be received at least four (4) weeks in advance of the event.

•Moonshine Creek has a limited number of donations available per year. Once this allotment has been awarded, we are unable to accommodate other donation requests.
•An organization is eligible to receive one donation per calendar year.

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Name of Charitable organization/cause benefitting from the event
Is the donation for an adult sports team?
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Organization’s Charitable Number
Organization Address
Contact Person
Email Address
Phone Number
Organization or Event Description
How well does ("Organisation Name") Recognise donors for their contributions?
Number of people expected to attend
Are you looking for a cash donation or items/merchandise?
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What is the cash or merchandise value you are seeking from us?
Have we donated to your organization in the past twelve months?
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Is the event targeted specifically at kids under the age of 19?
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Do you meet Moonshine Creek's donation policy?
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Can you elaborate on how the donation will be advertised and used? We do not provide donations to organizations and events explicitly targeted to kids under the age of 19.
 Any additional comments/information?
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