Great Divide Brewing Company Quality Assurance Feedback Form
To ensure we are doing everything we can to provide you the best beer experience, we want to hear from you about any potential product concerns in the market! Please fill out the following form as honestly and accurately as possible. We want to make sure we are getting the most accurate information so our Quality Analysis Team can properly investigate each submission.

This form is to help address any quality concerns experienced in the market by allowing consumers, wholesalers, or accounts to communicate their experiences. Some of the below questions are *required* in order for Great Divide to look into any potential inconsistencies or quality concerns. Without specific information, we will be unable to properly evaluate your submission.
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Name *
First AND Last
Phone Number
Home/Business Address *
Please include Street, City, State, & Zip code
Name of liquor store, city, and state where beer was purchased. *
Date the beer was purchased *
How was the beer stored at the establishment where the beer was purchased? *
How did you store the beer after it was purchased? *
No judgment here. Just trying to get as much info as possible!
Packaging Date or Expiration Date *
**Located on the bottom of cans, bottom right corner of bottle labels, or on the keg collar** Expiration dates will state "Expires On", otherwise, illustrated date is the date in which the package was produced.
Brand *
(i.e. Colette, Titan, Yeti, Mixed Pack, etc.)
Packaging Type *
If you answered Keg previously, is there an "A" or "B" written on the collar?
Quality Concern *
Please elaborate on your previous response and provide any additional information you feel is necessary to help with our investigation. *
**If you have photographs which illustrate your experience, please send those to
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