Joint Committee on Public Health: Reproductive and Sexual Health; Pharmacy
Sorry, the deadline to pre-register for the live hearing has surpassed, however, we are accepting day-of in-person testimonies. If you are able to attend in-person, you may sign up to testify at our welcome desk, located outside Gardner Auditorium during the hearing, where a member of our staff will be available to help you register.

Written testimony is encouraged and will continue to be accepted after the hearing until the relevant bill is acted upon. Such testimony may be submitted via email to

Additionally, if you would like to provide written testimony, please include the bill number in the subject line of the email, as well as your name, address, phone number, and organization, if any, on the submitted testimony. Please include "Public Health Committee Testimony, [Relevant Bill Number]" in the subject line of the email.

Thank you for your testimony!
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