Designing Causal Evaluations-Quiz 5
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1. Which of the following statements about stratified random assignment is true? (Choose all that apply) *
1 point
Suppose that you wanted to stratify random assignment of the EG baseline student list on baseline test performance. One option could be to identify the mean test score, create a binary variable for whether a student scored above the mean or below the mean, and stratify on that binary variable. Implement this treatment assignment, assigning 50% of students to treatment and 50% of students to control, and use the ‘rround’ option in gsample to ensure that the overall assignment is as close to 50/50 as possible.
2. How many students scored above the average baseline test score? *
1 point
3. Conduct a balance test comparing average test scores for your treatment versus control groups. What is the p-value for this test? Round to the nearest 0.01. *
0 points
Now, instead of stratifying on the binary variable for above/below mean performance, stratify on total baseline scores itself.
4. How many strata are there in this random assignment? *
1 point
5. Conduct a balance test comparing average test scores for treatment versus control groups under this alternative treatment assignment. What is the p-value for this test? Round to the nearest 0.01. *
0 points
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