Please complete this form to entry to the pitch session.  You will have 5 minutes for your presentation.  Be super prepared and diligent.
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Email *
Street Address *
First Name *
Last Name *
City *
Zip Code *
State *
Office Phone Number *
Mobile Number (Please include area code) *
(include to receive festival text alerts)
Company/Organization Website *
Project Name *
What is your role on the project? *
List Any Team Members Pitching With You. *
Please Provide Youtube or Vimeo Link To Your Trailer.  (You may bring a of Trailer on Blu Ray) *
What year was your project completed? *
Please Add Any Social Media Handles For Your Media Outlet/Company. (i.e.Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram, TikTok) *
Please provide a brief description of your  film or TV show. *
Please indicate your project type. *
Please indicate your project genre. (Check All That Apply) *
What is the gender and age range for your target audience? *
Is your project under consideration from other distributors, studios, streamer, or production companies? *
My work(s) being presented have been fully copyrighted? If no, I understand  the risks of not having done so and understand that festival accepts no responsibility for any infringements. *
My work(s) being presented have been fully trademarked? *
I confirm that I am legally authorized to present this project. I understand that the International Black Film Festival and/or any entities participating in the Get Greenlit Live Pitch Session are NOT obligated to offer a deal to myself or any other individuals representing my project.  IBFF has the right to market to its audience at the appropriate time (once a deal has been confirmed) if a deal is offered to any participants. Project owners must complete all due diligence to vet any opportunities offered with their own legal counsel. *
Disclaimer:  Studios, distributors, production houses and/or any entity acquiring are responsible for all communication with filmmakers and/or their designee after the pitch session.  The International Black Film Festival is not responsible for additional communications thereafter.
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I agree to present this project with the understanding that similar projects may be already in development, pre-production, production or post production with participating studios, productions companies or any entities participating in the pitch session. Each participant understands that the International Black Film Festival accepts no responsibility and/or legal liability that may  that may arise from pitching to participating entities. *
Signature    *
Your typed signature represents you acknowledgement and agreement to the above terms.
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