The High Holy Days Approach!
Sanctuary wants to support you through these days and weeks ahead.  

Below please find the list of offerings that we're planning.  You don’t need to commit right now, but it would be very helpful to know who is interested in doing what as we finalize the details and manage the group sizes.

Thank you and looking forward to celebrating together!
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Meditating Our Way through the High Holy Days
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"This Is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared" Circle
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Family Nature Circle - HHD Edition
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Backyard Shofar Gathering
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Round Challah Bake
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Tashlich Gathering
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Yom Kippur Outdoor Gathering
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Is there another kind of High Holy Day experience you would want Sanctuary to create?
Are there other resources that Sanctuary could provide to support you in the weeks ahead?
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