"Diversity & Inclusion in Quaker Meetings" - Registration Form
You are invited to register for this learning opportunity that is in collaboration between CYM Education & Outreach (E&O) & Woodbrooke Learning Institute.

You are warmly invited to attend this worthwhile workshop series that will be led by well-seasoned UK Woodbrooke Quaker tutors. The facilitators will support participants in having important and challenging conversations, with the goal of transforming our Quaker Meetings into truly welcoming spaces. We will reflect upon and learn from some of the times when Quakers have failed to be fully inclusive. Participants will be encouraged to explore the power that we do and don’t have, and learn about ‘intersectionality’ - i.e., how different forms of oppression interweave, and cannot be untangled from each other. We will discuss how differences can make us feel uncomfortable, and why it is important to address that discomfort rather than avoid it. Finally, we will reflect on what next steps you can take to make your Meeting more inclusive. **

We welcome your courageous participation!

To respect confidentiality & encourage open sharing, these sessions WILL NOT be recorded.

Saturdays - APRIL 30, MAY 7 & MAY 14

Workshop times: 6:00-8:00PM BST (UK TIME)
2:30pm Newfoundland Time/2:00pm Atlantic Time/1:00pm Eastern Time/12:00am Central Time/11:00am Mountain Time/10:00am Pacific Time
Each session is 2 hours in duration

Cost is $ 50.00 Canadian. Friends requiring financial assistance are asked to connect with their Monthly Meeting or apply for an E&O bursary by contacting E&O Clerk. Please note that bursary funds are limited in 2022. If you feel led and are able to financially support another participant to attend, your contributions will be most welcome.

For more information on Woodbrooke Quaker Learning: https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk/our-courses/ 

Registration will open on April 1st. Register early as we anticipate this course will fill up quickly!

Questions? e-and-o-clerk@quaker.ca 

**This course description modified text taken from: https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk/diversity-and-inclusion-beginning-the-conversation/ 
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The cost per participant is $50. Please select one of the following options.                                                            To apply for a bursary, contact: E & O Clerk, e-and-o-clerk@quaker.ca *
Payment Method *
Phone number in case of technical difficulties
Any special needs we should know about?
Meeting Affiliation (e.g., Toronto meeting)(if applicable)
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