HKU Public Health Alumni Society Registration Form
The Hong Kong University Public Health Alumni Society exists to support social and professional opportunities amongst alumni, and to further the goal of promoting public health in the community. If you are a graduate (or upcoming graduate) of the School of Public Health at HKU, you are welcome to join. For enquiries email
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Last Name *
First Name *
Preferred Name (If different to the name above)
Personal E-mail (Or work email if preferred) *
Contact Number
Year of Graduation *
Qualification from HKU School of Public Health (Select all that apply) *
Highest Qualification Obtained
Student ID (if you know it)
Current Field
Members' Privilege
Each member can apply for one MPH course annually at a special rate of HK$200 (on a first-come-first-serve basis and at the discretion of the School).

For HKU Alumni Library Card, please go to
For HKU Alumni Sports Membership Card, please go to
For HKU Graduate Credit Card, please go to
Terms and Conditions *
I confirm that the information given in this form is true, accurate and complete. The University of Hong Kong Public Health Alumni Society will keep you informed of the Society's news and activities. All the data provided by you will be treated as strictly confidential and the data will be used for maintaining contact, updating you with the latest developments of the Society, and the provision of information, e.g. the School’s and the Society's news, activities, giving initiatives, courses and programme. The Society will not disclose any personal information to external bodies unless you have been informed and the Society is required to do so by law. I agree with the Terms and Conditions:
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