Salvage Bohemia Dealer Program Application


  • guaranteed 4 months per year spot in our cvl’s
  • your shop’s website will be linked under my “vessel library” on
  • intimate seller showcases with exclusive collaborative scents


  • must be an established llc or s corp (must provide ein#)
  • must have a website with a designated section for candle vessels.
  • exclusively sell candle vessels advertised for salvage bohemia
Email *
What is your full name? *
Best email to contact you: *
Legal Business Name *
Website Link *
Instagram Handle  *
Have you worked with Salvage Bohemia before? CVL? Private Candle Sale?  Wholesale?
  Are you familiar with candling safety and choosing vessels for candling?  
Are you willing to provide your EIN# for tax/distribution purposes?  
Are you willing to maintain a designated section on your website which will be linked to our "vessel library"?  
As a SB Dealer, you will be required to market all candle vessels to be candled exclusively with Salvage Bohemia. Are you willing to sell candle vessels exclusively to SB? 
In addition to candles, we are looking to expand our product line and would love to sell to our Dealers wholesale. These products could be sold in your physical locations (booths/store fronts) or on LIVE platforms to sell smaller vessels, bath salt vessels, etc.

Would you be interested in purchasing candle kits, salt soaks, bath oils, etc for your business? 
How many vessels do you believe you would be able to sell monthly? (Not including CVL sales) 
Why do you want to be a SB Dealer? *
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