Bursary Application Form

Root in Nature is committed to enabling accessibility to its courses and community to all who share our passion for connecting people with plants and nature. We provide up to five reduced rate, 50% off spots in our course per quarter to individuals whose financial circumstances are a barrier to enrolment.

If you would like to access one of these spots, please fill in this form. You will be contacted by the end of each quarter with the results of your application (end of March, end of June, end of September and end of December).

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Full Name *
Email address *
My pronouns are:
Clear selection
Please complete the statement that you feel most accurately represents yourself.
I am a/an...
Please tell us where you are located. *
Why are you interested in participating in the Intro to Therapeutic Horticulture course and what do you hope to accomplish with this training? *
How does your current education, skill set or experience relate to the course topic - for example, human services, gardening, volunteering, etc.? *
Please briefly describe your financial need for this bursary. *
Personal Information
We would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to share how you identify yourself. You can choose not to respond to these questions by selecting “prefer not to disclose”.
The racial and ethnic group that best describes me is:
Please select all that are true for you.
We understand the preceding list may not capture every racial and ethnic group and that language is ever-evolving. If you wish to share more details around how you identify, please do so here.
Do you identify as a person with a disability?
I am:
Please select all the ways you would describe your sexuality and gender.
We understand the preceding list does not capture every orientation and identity and that language is ever-evolving. If you wish to share more details around how you identify, please do so here.
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