Free Small Business Assistance Eligibility Form  
Welcome to Utah LGBTQ Chamber and Salt Lake City County Free Business Advising Opportunity. 
This is an eligibility intake form to determine if your business is eligible for the Free Small Business Assistance Grant

We offer diverse resources such as:

  • General advice to aid in business plans, market research, certifications, licensing, and legal guidance.

  • Social media, marketing, and business strategy support.
  • Loans up to $50,000 tailored for startups and existing businesses that don't meet traditional funding criteria.

  • Loan and grant application writing help

  • Short-term aid in organizing business accounts, generating financial statements, setting up QuickBooks, handling tax documentation, and more.

After filling out this form, you will see a link at the end of the survey to schedule your first appointment.

* All marginalized folks are welcome to apply. You do not have to be part of the LGBTQ to apply. 

*All services are free of charge to you, thanks to the Salt Lake City County. You must be in Salt Lake City County to apply. 

*You can be a new business, an established business or a person with an idea for a business to apply

Form Length: 10 minutes

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Business Owner Name  *
Business name (enter "TBD" if business has not been named yet)

We will only support one business from an owner at a time I.e., not all 3 businesses owned by the same person. Choose one to focus on

What city is your business based out of?

Please provide your 5-digit zip code
Email *
Phone Number-- I will be calling you on this number at the time of our appointment! Make sure you schedule on the Calendly link provided at the end of this form :)  *
What is your race/ethnicity? select all that apply
Gender *
Pronouns  *
What is your primary language?
What is the best email address to reach you?
Is this a business or personal email?
What is the resource that interests you most about this program? *
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This form was created inside of Utah LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce. Report Abuse