Join The Hide and Seek Society of Great Britain
Want to join the Society?
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What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your email address? *
This will only be used for contacting you regarding joining the society and future society news.
What is your post code? *
This will only be used for identifying where our membership base is spread around the UK.
What is your date of birth? *
The Society and the meetup are only open to persons aged eighteen years or over
What is your Discord username?
This must match exactly for you to get the Verified Member role, for example MyName#2345
If you were a member of the Exeter University Hide and Seek Society, which was the most recent year you were a member?
If you were a committee member of the Exeter University Hide and Seek Society, which was the highest role you held as a committee member, that you would like to be recognised as, and in which year?
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