School Fee Waiver Form 2024-2025
This form only needs to completed if you did NOT complete the Sharing of Information page during the district 24-25 Online Registration for your student or you want to CHANGE how you completed the Sharing of Information section. If you complete Online Registration, you would have completed the Sharing of information as it was a required page and do NOT need to resubmit.

NOTE your student must have free or reduced meal eligibility to receive an adjustment of district fees. A meal eligibility application can be submitted at More information can be found here. Completing this form alone, without the meal eligibility application, will not adjust fees.
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Optional:  You do not complete this form to get free or reduced-price school meals. Please apply at or the school cafe app if using a mobile device.

If your child(ren) qualifies for free or reduced price meals, you MAY also be eligible for other benefits.  One of these benefits is free or reduced school fees.  Listed below are the specific fees that may be waived or reduced. 
Textbook Fees 
Grades 10th-12th - $140.00
Grades 6th-9th - $120.00
Grades KG - 5th - $80.00

Transportation/Bus Fees 
Full Year Round Trip - $630 per child, $315 One Way per child (a.m. or p.m.). 
1 Semester Round Trip $315, One Way only $157.50. 
Busing & Walk Zones

Busing and applicable fees are determined by your primary home address.

  • Elementary: 1 mile or more from the school = free
  • Secondary: 2 miles or more from the school = free
  • Walk-Zones will be defined as:
    • Elementary Schools living less than (.76 miles)
    • Secondary Schools – grades 6-12 living less than (1.01 mile)
  • Kindergarten through fifth-grade students who live between 0.76 – 0.99 miles from their designated attendance center may pay to ride District-provided transportation.
  • Sixth through twelfth-grade students who live between 1.01 – 1.99 from their designated attendance center may pay to ride District-provided transportation.
Driver’s Education . A separate form must be completed with your Driver's Education facilitator to waive fees. Please reach out to your Driver's Education program for more information.

Community Education Fees - Fees Vary

Beyond the Bell (BTB) programs are offered for students currently enrolled at these school sites: Eason, Grant Ragan, Maple Grove, Radiant, Shuler, Sugar Creek, Walnut Hills, Waukee Elementary, Waterford and Woodland Hills Elementary. You will need to contact the Associate Director of Childcare, Andrea Wilmes at 515.987.5161 ext. 60176, once you have been approved for free/reduced fees.
These fees are optional for families and ARE NOT waived or reduced.
Activity Tickets
Band Instrument Rental
Class Dues
Parking Stickers
Transcript Fees

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