Cleaning methods for metal conservation
We are two PhD students working in the field of Heritage Conservation Science at the HE-Arc Conservation-Restauration, Switzerland.

Our research project focuses on innovative and eco‐friendly gel formulations for the cleaning of altered copper, iron and silver surfaces.
We are aiming to exploit the ability of selected microorganisms to remove the degradation products present on different alloys commonly found in historical objects.

This questionnaire is about 5-10 minutes long.

By filling this form, you give us your consent to use your answers to make our research fit better with stakeholders' expectations, having a representative overview of the methods currently used for metal cleaning.
We focus on methods used for corrosion products removal and/or removal of organic coatings from previous interventions.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary.

None of the questions are compulsory.

We will maintain the confidentiality of the data recorded or provided by you. All answers will be treated as anonymous, even  if you fill your details.

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