Emergency Information for Boarding Pets at the Watertown Animal Hospital
A new boarding sheet is required for each visit. Please complete the form and click 'submit' at the bottom. 
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Owner's Name: *
Primary Phone Number: *
Secondary Phone Number:
Emergency Contact Name: *
Emergency Contact Phone Number: *
Name of Individual Picking Up Pet(s) from Boarding: *
Date of Admission to the Boarding Kennel: *
Time of Admission to the Boarding Kennel: *
Date of Pick Up: *
Time of Pick Up: *
Please list any medical problems that your pet may have at this current time:
* For giving medications/ vitamins while boarding, there is a $7.50 fee for each treatment. (Please enclose all medications in original containers.)
* For treatments involving handling of the animal (treatment of ears, giving insulin, etc.) there is a treatment fee of $25.00 per treatment.
* Extensive treatment (treating ears, soaking feet, etc.) fee will be at the discretion of the D.V.M. with a minimum of $25.00 per treatment.
* If internal parasites are found on my pet during this stay, he/she will be treated with a broad-spectrum dewormer at the above owner's expense.
* If fleas are found on my pet during this stay, a dose of Advantage flea control will be applied at the above owner's expense.
* If your pet soils itself during this stay, he/she will be bathed at the above owner's expense. The prices of the baths are: 
- Dogs less than 30 lbs. $41.50
- Dogs over 30 lbs. $68.00

I have read, understand and agree to the policies listed above:
If my pet requires medical attention during this stay, I authorize the Watertown Animal Hospital to treat, prescribe for, and/or perform surgery. The veterinarians also agree to make an effort to contact me prior to any action. There will be fees for any/all services.

I have read, understand and agree to the policies listed above:
Please Type Your Name to Complete the Virtual Signature Below: *
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