October Basketball Clinic Registration 24'
Please join us for our Youth Basketball Clinic. October 13th, 2024. From  9AM to 2PM

 ** PRICE**
$40 (Multiple Sibling Discount/ $35 per sibling if you sign up two or more)

   Admission comes with a full day filled with basketball skills, games, prizes and more, led by our very own  Coaches, Players and Alumni. We will be having many different fun activities and giving out metals.

   For registration you now have the option to sign up more than one sibling at the same time if you choose to do so. If you are registering more than one sibling please make sure to answer YES on the last question before hitting NEXT. You can sign up to 3 siblings in one form. 

 Please provide your child with a WATER BOTTLE and LUNCH with their FIRST & LAST NAME labeled as we will NOT be providing lunch. 

                                            WE ARE SUPER EXCITED TO SEE YOU ALL !
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Email *
Childs Info:
Please fill out all parts. Thank you! Please remember that each player needs their own registration for those signing up more than one.
Child First Name *
Child Last Name *
Childs Grade *
What school does your child attend? *
Does your child have any allergies? If so please list them in the "OTHER" section.  *
Parents Info
Parents First & Last Name: *
Parents Phone Number: *
Emergency Contact 1:
Emergency Contact 2:
I understand that I will provide my child with lunch labeled with First and Last Name. *
I understand that I will pay upon arrival in CASH.
$40  (Multiple Sibling Discount/ $35 per sibling if you sign up two or more)

Are you signing up multiple children?
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