DfG Network - Opt-In
The Deliver for Good Campaign is transitioning it's Ally Network, Business Ally Network, Influencers and Supporters into one consolidated "Deliver for Good Network" -- a voluntary email listserv for stakeholders committed to advancing gender equality across the SDGs and interest in the activities, events, resources, and advocacy actions put out by the Deliver for Good campaign.

Please review the Purpose and Engagement Principles of this list and the Vision, Objectives, and Parnership Principles of Campaign detailed here: http://bit.ly/dfg-principles 

By completing this form, you will be opting in yourself to receive Campaign communications.

Any questions or concerns can be shared via email to the Campaign Secretariat, Monica Hancke at mhancke@womendeliver.org 

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Organization Name *
Title at Organization *
First and Last Name *
Email Address *
By opting in to this listserv, you agree to respect and uphold the vision, objectives, and core engagement principles of the Campaign (linked below): *
By opting in, you consent to receiving periodic updates on the Deliver for Good Campaign and communications from Women Deliver via this list: *
What information and resources are you most interested in receiving and/or sharing? (Select all that apply) *
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