CMC Community Table Form
Help the Chicago Mobility Collaborative (CMC) Leadership Group and the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) set the agenda for the quarterly meetings by submitting your ideas for Community Table conversations. You will have the opportunity to facilitate discussions and co-develop approaches to make our streets more equitable, sustainable, and safe.

The CMC Community Tables will foster dialog, inclusion, and empowerment; they will be a platform to build trust with fellow Chicagoans and to repair relationships with the City; the tables will be centered on lived experiences and will be intentional in the ways spaces for marginalized voices, stories, and bodies are created. Community Table participants will seek to become connectors, conveners, and collaborators.   

Ayuda al Grupo de Liderazgo de la Colaborativa de Mobilidad de Chicago y al Departamento de Transporte de Chicago a establecer la agenda para las juntas trimestrales compartiendo tus ideas para conversaciones de Mesas Comunitarias. Tendras la oportunidad de organizar y dirigir dialogos y co-desarrollar estrategias para hacer nuestras calles mas equitativas, sustentables y seguras.
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Email *
Full Name / Nombre completo *
Ward / Distrito *
Community Table discussion topic. Define the problem or opportunity / Tema de dialogo para la Mesa Comunitaria. Define el problema o la oportunidad *
Who is most impacted (negatively or positively) by this problem/opportunity? Be explicit about which populations or communities are most impacted / ¿Quien(es) ha sido mas impactado (positivamente o negativamente) por este problema u oportunidad? Se explicito(a) hacerca de las poblaciones o comunidades que han sido impactadas *
What is the goal of this Community Table conversation? *
Outline up to three outcomes or actions you expect to come out from this Community Table conversation / Describe los resultados o acciones que esperas salgan de esta conversacion *
List the materials you will provide to facilitate this conversation (PowerPoint, handouts, etc.) / Haz una lista de los materiales que vas a proveer para dirigir esta conversacion (PowerPoint, folleto, etc.) *
Would you like for a CDOT staff to join this Community Table? / ¿Te gustaria que un representante de CDOT participe en tu mesa comunitaria? *
What would the role of this CDOT staff be? / ¿Que funcion tendra el representante de CDOT en tu conversacion?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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