Your Life Lesson For The World Wisdom Map
Kindly fill the form below with your own life lesson, and if you feel like helping out, even more, send it to a couple of friends/share it with your followers/ask your family members to fill it up. We'd be thrilled if you could help us put more wisdom fireflies on the map.

We are so excited to receive and read your life lesson!

Email *
What's your name? *
Your Gender *
Email Address *
What's your age? *
Which country are you from? *
What's your Life Lesson? *
(It can be one or two lines long. The crisper the better)
How did you learn it? *
(The personal story behind the lesson. This can be as descriptive as you want it to be)
We need your permission! *
I hereby permit Project FUEL to use my life lesson and image (if submitted) for purposes of digital and print publications, content and promotional materials, and waive any rights of compensation and ownership thereto. I understand Project FUEL will act responsibly with my wisdom and other information.
If you want to be tagged in a post from us when we share the life lesson on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter, fill your handle here!
If you can share one, we'd love a picture of you! Post a link to where we can download one.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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