It's Our Custom Order Request Form!
Please fill out this form if you are interested in getting a custom piece made.
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Email *
Name *
Will you need shipping? *
Please select your Needed-By preferences below. Please note that we can specifically schedule some projects on our calendar depending on what it is and how long the project will take. Other pieces are scheduled as we receive them on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Date Needed By Preferences *
If you selected "A specific date," what is that date?
The following options apply to the piece you are requesting.
What are you requesting? *
Did you see a post on our social media about what you are requesting? *
Price Range (How much you are willing to spend for your custom piece? This helps us determine how to work with your request.) *
We are now requiring a non-refundable 50% deposit before we get started on your project. This may also include upfront costs of materials. Are you willing to put down a deposit once we give you the quote? *
Please tell us about your idea! What are you brainstorming? Tell us anything specific we should know when reviewing your request. *
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