Feedback Earth resident odor observation intake form
Our goal is to eliminate any disturbance as fast as possible. Accurate information is critical to quickly diagnosing potential issues and eliminating the source of a disturbance. We appreciate the few minutes you're about to take to answer the questions below and we apologize for the inconvenience. This information will be received immediately by our team on the ground and they will take quick action to address the issue. 
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Where do you smell an odor (address or nearest intersection)?
Do you detect a trash or garbage smell?
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Do you smell mud / boggy water / compost?
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Do you smell smoke? 
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Do you smell bakery type odors such as "burnt toast" or "bad bread?"
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Do you smell vinegar / acidity?
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Do you smell fishiness?
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What time did you first notice the odor today?
Is it ongoing right now?
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Is it constant or does it come in waves?
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Email address (optional)
Phone number (optional)
Can we call or email you?
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Anything else you want to tell us that you think would be helpful?
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