4-H Family Ear Tag Request Form
Use this form to request tags, taggers or an ear notcher for your family's use in 2025 from your local extension office.

All tags must be put in the animal's ear and recorded in 4-H Online by May 15, 2025. The only exception is market beef animals, they must be ID'd by February 18th, 2025. 

Any unused tags (tags beyond those you listed in 4-H Online) MUST be returned to the Extension Office by June 1, 2025 or you will be charged for them. Please allow staff one week to put your order together. You will receive an email when your order is ready for pick up.
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Email *
Family Name *
Please list the 4-H members in your family below. *
Club Name *
I understand that any unused tags (tags beyond those you listed in 4-H Online) MUST be returned to the Extension Office by June 1, 2025 or you will be charged for them. *
Number of cattle tags needed
Do you have any prospect calves who will need the current year's tags? If so, how many?
Number of sheep tags needed
Number of goat tags needed
Number of swine tags needed
Do you need to borrow a tagger or need additional pins from the Extension office?
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If yes, please itemize what you need below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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