Welcome to the 10th Annual Best of West Hartford voting ballot!  
We are beyond excited to present the 10th Annual Best of West Hartford voting!

Each category includes the finalists from last years voting as these were the top 3, as well as space to write in your personal favorites.

Please fill in as many categories as you can, and don’t forget to click “NEXT” until you reach the end in order to SUBMIT when your ballot is complete. If you submit before you finish, don't worry, you have the option to go back, edit and submit again!

Please remember to share, share, and share some more! 

Businesses are counting on your support and we know of several that are very determined to retain their "Best Of" title. Don’t be shy about sharing this contest everywhere!

Thanks for taking the time to vote! The ballot will close on Wednesday, October 16th.

Winners will be published in the Holiday Issue of West Hartford Magazine, on we-ha.com, and the Jewish Ledger.

Come celebrate the winners with us at the Best Of West Hartford Awards night! Monday November 18th at the Mandell JCC. Look out for ticket info on Eventbrite and social media soon!
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