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Neighbourhood Clean-Up - 2023
At Westheights we believe that being good neighbours is an important way that we live out what it means to follow Jesus. This spring we want to be good neighbours by cleaning up a space that is used by our community. Join us on Saturday April 22, 2023 as we clean up trash from the areas along the creek and trail between our church and the Forest Heights Community Centre.
Saturday April 22, 2023. We will meet at 9am for coffee and instructions. By 9:30am, we will be collecting trash. We will gather for refreshments at 11am.
Picking up garbage along the creek and trail between the church and the community centre.
We are looking for 40+ volunteers to help with this initiative in a variety of roles (see below).
Please note that children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Use this form to let us know that you are interested and we will be in touch.
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Your name and who else will be joining you
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Email Address
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How would you like to be involved?
Check all that apply.
Garbage Collection Team - We need approx. 30 people to be a part of the team that picks up and bags garbage and recycling.
Garbage Carrier Team - We need approx. 10 people to be a part of the team that takes the collected garbage and recyling from those collecting to a designated location.
Refreshment Team - We need approx. 4 people who will make sure that coffee, snacks and other refreshments are available for our hard working team.
FULL (Provide Snacks - We need people to donate snacks and treats for the day)
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