Information Session | ReThink Textile Hackathon
During the two weeks of the ReThink Textile Hackathon (12-19 November), you will experience what it is like to participate in a student competition.🏆  You will work out a practical solution to a real-life problem of fast fashion and get a chance at winning 500 EUR! 💰

Would like to know more about what this might entail for you?
REGISTER NOW for the Info-Session!
DATE: Thursday 15 October
TIME: 12:30 to 13:30, CET
LOCATION: Wageningen Campus, Plus Ultra II, Bronland 10

During this session:
-    We will share practical information, like time investment, etc.
-    You’ll meet other (potential) participants,
-    We will share more about the real-life problem of fast fashion
-    And you can ask us all you want to know!

To register for this event, please complete and submit this form. For on-line participation register here. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Jess *
Jia * *
Will you join live or on-line (non-WUR students)? *
Thank you! 
We are looking forward to meet you on 15 October!
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