Graduate Student Voices Contact information
Graduate Student Voices is a collective of graduate students, graduate student employees, and graduate professional students at Iowa State University working towards organizing a union for the graduate student workers at Iowa State University. This form allows Graduate Student Voices to keep track of those who are interested in learning more, willing to be part of the organizing committee or those who would like to contribute to our efforts.
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Levels of Interactions Commitment
We would like to figure out how you are able to contribute to our efforts. Below you will find descriptions for the four levels of interactions you can have with Graduate Students Voices. The first three are only for graduate workers at Iowa State; the latter is a tier for all those who want to support our efforts!


Not sure if you can help out with the campaign, but you are committed to voting in a union-forming election (this is not a pledge to vote 'Yes', but a pledge to ALLOW us graduate students to hold a vote at all). This level keeps you in the loop with Graduate Student Voices, so you don’t miss out on the action. You’ll receive our email updates on meetings and action items.

Community Builder

Not only are you committed to voting yes to the organizing efforts of Graduate Student Voices, you are also willing to help us reach other folks on the ground. As of Summer 2023, we need at least 30% of the graduate student body to support holding a unionization vote. You would be able to help us reach out to your community (your department) and spread the word about our efforts so that folks can continue signing on to the organizing committee.

Steering Committee Volunteer

Are you all in for unionizing and want to help us prepare? Being on the steering committee is for you! We meet weekly as best as our schedules allow to debrief on what the next steps for organizing are, preparing listening sessions, and developing the plan to make sure the vote to unionize succeeds.

This tier is for anyone who recognizes and supports graduate workers' efforts to organize who is not currently a graduate worker at Iowa State.
What level are you able to commit to? *
You can find the descriptions of the different levels of interaction below.
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