Student ELC Test Accommodation Request Form
Please complete this form for each test you plan to take in the Experiential Learning Commons. Adding your name below confirms understanding of Brevard College Honor/Academic Integrity Codes Student Affirmation:
“I agree to respect the integrity, ideas, and property of the College community, fellow students, faculty, and staff, by refraining from acts such as plagiarism, cheating, theft, harassment, and abusive language or behavior. I further agree to abide by the academic policies of the institution as outlined in the College Catalog and the Social Code maintained by the Division of Campus Life and the Honor Council.”
The professor will be notified of your request and will relay approval for date/time and test details to the Office of Student Accessibility & Disability Services. ( If open notes are allowed for your test, these must be printed in advance since phones and access to the internet are not allowed during testing.)
*Note: The ELC Study Rooms are monitored via security camera during testing sessions.