InnoVentures Labs Space Application
Admission is on a rolling basis.  Start with this short application.   We will review and invite you in for a preliminary interview and tour with staff and/or members of our selection committee.  Selected candidates will undergo a 2-hour Executive Review and Needs Assessment.  If accepted after the Review, candidates are invited to finalize the terms of the contract.
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Company Name *
First Name of Main Contact *
Last Name of Main Contact *
Phone *
Email - Main Contact *
Name(s) - Additional Principals
Email(s) - Additional Principals
Company Website
Elevator Pitch (100 Characters) *
Technology (100 Characters) *
Commercialization Strategy (100 Characters) *
Company Status *
Priorities for the next 12 months *
Funding & Financials (List grants raised & amounts; funds raised and amounts) *
How did you hear about InnoVentures Labs? *
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