Suggest a conservation technology resource
Know of any cool conservation technology organization, company, community, innovation, website, tool, educational content, conference or other resource? Let us know and we'll add your resource to the directory!

Please first search the directory to make sure the resource you're thinking of isn't already listed. Thanks!
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Is this a correction to an existing entry or a new entry? *
Name of the resource *
If you want to submit a correction to a resource already in the directory, just fill out the name and the info you want to correct. No correction is too small! We want this directory to be as accurate as possible and we especially want to make sure to give credit to the correct people/organizations for each resource.
What type of resource is this?
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Description of the resource
Link to the resource (if there is one)
Who created the resource or who maintains it?
Where are they located (headquarters and/or other offices)? Or which region do they predominantly work in?
Where are they located (headquarters and/or other offices)? Or which country do they predominantly work in?
What keywords or tags would you associate with this resource? (i.e. What type of data is involved? What keywords would you use to describe the organization/project/etc and their focus area(s)?)
Anything else you want to share or suggestions you have for the directory in general?
Be sure to include your email here if you have an idea you'd like to discuss further!
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