The Future of /r/Granblue_en Discussion Posts
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In addition to character discussions, what other new discussion posts would you like to see? *
Do you think Summon discussions should continue? *
Would you like to see Free-For-All Character Discussions continue? Or should they be replaced in favour of a different end-of-month discussion? *
Please list your priority for the above 4 non-character discussion posts *
Very important to discuss
Somewhat intersted in discussing
Don't really care either way
I don't think this should get discussion posts
For the current SSR, SR, and SSR Summon Discussions, how often should they be discussed? *
Should be discussed more frequently than currently
Should be discussed the same amount as currently
Should be discussed less frequently than currently
SSR Characters
SR Characters
SSR Summons
Do you have any suggestions or ideas for how you think any additional discussions should be scheduled to fit alongside the current discussion posts?
For Raid discussions, do you have any ideas for suggested discussion topics? Questions can be either for all raids or for a specific type/series of raid (such as Magna 2 raids).
For Class discussions, do you have any ideas  for suggested discussion topics? Questions can be either for all classes or for a specific type/series of class (such as EX-II classes).
For Weapon discussions, do you have any ideas  for suggested discussion topics? Questions can be either for all weapons or for a specific type/series of weapon (such as CCWs).
For Character discussions, do you have any ideas or suggestions for additional suggested discussion topics? Questions can be either for all characters or for a specific type/series of character (such as SR characters).
For Character discussions, are there any current questions that you feel should be removed or reworked?
For Summon discussions, do you have any ideas or suggestions for additional suggested discussion topics? Questions can be either for all summons or for a specific type/series of summon (such as Primal summons).
For Summon discussions, are there any current questions that you feel should be removed or reworked?
How should Arcarum Evoker discussions be decided? *
If Free-For-All Character Discussions continue, are there any changes or additions you would like to see to the posts or discussions?
Are there any other changes or suggestions you have for any and/or all discussion posts?
Last chance for any general feedback!
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