2k / 5k Challenge: Parent / Carer Permission
To be completed by a parent / carer.  Permission is essential for the child to take part.  

All parents / carers / siblings are welcome to come and support!  

This is a family event, therefore all children attending are sole responsibility of the adults accompanying them. Friends of Hatcham College are not responsible for unaccompanied children.

To volunteer as a steward on the day please sign up at friendsofhatchamcollege.org.uk.

For event FAQs please visit friendsofhatchamcollege.org.uk.
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Child's First Name *
Surname *
Year Group *
Emergency Contact Name & mobile number *
I give permission for photos of my child to be used on Friends of Hatcham College materials. *
My child is medically fit. I acknowledge that this 5km walk / jog / run event can be physically challenging and carries with it risk of personal injury or illness. I agree to waive any claim for any injury, illness or loss incurred before, during or as a result of the event against the event organisers (Friends of Hatcham College), or any other person or body involved in organising or assisting with the event. I agree to indemnify Friends of Hatcham College for any and all liabilities, fees, expenses or other costs which may be incurred as a result of any such claim.  I acknowledge that my child is the sole responsibility of the adult accompanying them and that Friends of Hatcham College are not responsible for unaccompanied children. *
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