Nonprofit Information

Appleton’s Octoberfest, a program of the Fox Cities Chamber, is currently seeking nonprofits for 2024 who may be interested in pairing up with a food vendor for the event.

Participating nonprofits will receive a percentage of food sale proceeds from the day.  That amount is decided on between you and the food vendor.  At least one member of the nonprofit has to be in and/or at the booth during the event. Octoberfest is scheduled for Saturday, September 28 from 9 AM to 6 PM.

Any nonprofit interested can fill out this form.  This information will then be shared with the Octoberfest food vendors and they will select an organization to partner with.

If applying, please include your organization name, contact information, and a small paragraph about what you do.

Please note: This list will be shared with food vendors who are not already paired up with a non-profit and wanting more information on interested parties.  If you are a non-profit already with a food vendor, you do not need to fill this out.

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Organization Name *
What is the first and last name of the person who will be organizing this partnership? *
What is the email address of the person who will be organizing this partnership? *
What is the phone number of the person who will be organizing this partnership?
Please include a brief description of what your nonprofit does.  *
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