Patriots Elementary Educational Opportunity Form
This form must be completed and submitted to the principal prior to the absence in order for the absences to be considered as valid/lawful. When it is demonstrated that the purpose of the absence is to take advantage of a valid educational opportunity, such as travel, the absence(s) may be considered valid/lawful. Approval for such an absence(s), however, must be granted prior to the absence(s). (School Attendance & Student Accounting, Public Schools of North Carolina, 1993, Chapter 2, Section IV-D)
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Child's Name (El nombre del niño*)

First and Last name (Nombre y apellido)
Parent's/Guardian's Name (Nombre del padre/tutor *) *
Parent's/Guardian's email (Correo electrónico del padre/tutor)
Child's Teacher (maestro de niños)
Grade (Calificación) *
First Absence Date (Fecha de la primera ausencia)
Date to Return to School (Fecha de regreso a la escuela)
Total Number of Days to Miss School (Número total de días para faltar a la escuela)
Destination (Destino) *
Description of Daily Activities (Descripción de las actividades diarias)
Agreement (Acuerdo) *
In good faith effort, I will comply with the State Board of Education’s policy regarding this educational opportunity for my child and will encourage and support his/her involvement in appropriate educational experiences. I will also supervise the completion of any assignments as required by the teacher and/or principal. The Educational Opportunity will be no more than five (5) school days.

En un esfuerzo de buena fe, cumpliré con la política de la Junta Estatal de Educación con respecto a esta oportunidad educativa para mi hijo y alentaré y apoyaré su participación en experiencias educativas apropiadas. También supervisaré la finalización de cualquier tarea según lo requiera el maestro y/o el director. La Oportunidad Educativa no será mayor a cinco (5) días lectivos.

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