10 DOMAINS Assessment
Welcome to the 10 DOMAINS* Assessment!

*DOMAINS: Detailed Operation, Maintenance & Accountability - Integrative Necessities System

There are 5 inner & 5 outer domains that make up your life as a whole person.

The 5 External Domains (Your Outer World):
1. Financial 2. Professional 3. Relational 4. Purposeful 5. Personal

The 5 Internal Domains (Your Inner World):
6. Physical 7. Emotional 8. Mental 9. Soulful 10. Spiritual

"Your Inner World Shapes Your Outer World." ~Tony Robbins

The 10 DOMAINS Help YOU Take Dominion Over These 10 Different Areas Of Your Life & DOMINATE AT ALL OF THEM!

Please take the time to rate your current level of peace & satisfaction with each of the following areas of your life from 1-10 below each item, 1 being the lowest/worst it's ever been and 10 being the highest/best it’s ever been. Your level of peace may vary from day to day but give your best overall assessment of how confident you feel at this moment that you are living out your life’s calling in these key areas.
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1. Financial Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with finances? *
Finances: Security, Stability, Income, Savings, Expenses, Investments, Budget, Estate Planning
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
2. Professional Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with your profession? *
Profession: Growth, Education, Academics, Advancement, Job, Employment, Career, Vocation, Calling
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
3. Relational Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with your relationships? *
Relationships: Family, Romantic, Social, Community/Network, Mentors/Coaches/Council, Leadership
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
4. Purposeful Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with your purpose in life? *
Purpose: Demographic/Sociographic/Geographic. Reason/Meaning, Direction, Destiny, Assignments
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
5. Personal Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with your personal life? *
Personal: Hobbies/Recreation, Dreams/Desires, Tasks/Habits/Projects, Body/Soul/Spirit, Growth
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
6. Physical Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with your physical body? *
Physical: Health, healing, recover, prevention, balance structure & biochemical systems. Wellness, Fitness
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
7. Emotional Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with your emotional self? *
Emotions: Intelligence, Managing Feelings, Growth & Stress. Trauma/Memory, Desires/Passions
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
8. Mental Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with your mental health? *
Mental: Intelligence, Mindset, Academics, Managing Thought-Life & Stress, Focus, Memory, Psyche
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
9. Soulful Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with your soul? *
Soul: Identity, Character, Personality/Disposition/Temperament/Behavior, Mind/Will, Inner-self
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
10. Spiritual Domain: What's your level of peace & satisfaction with your spiritual life? *
Spiritual: Faith/Belief, Worldview, Morals, Discipline, Revelation/Inspiration/Edification, Wisdom
Lowest/Worst it's ever been
Highest/Best it’s ever been
Select all that you are interested in: *
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