Atlas Games Product Release Form
Please submit this form for each submission. After submission, a copy of your digitally signed release form will be emailed to the address you give below. Please keep it for your records.
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I (we), the undersigned, wish to submit to Trident, Inc., d/b/a Atlas Games (hereinafter referred to as "Atlas Games") for review for possible publication the game or game product, entitled: *
• I (we) submit my (our) material voluntarily for consideration and review by Atlas Games, subject to all the conditions below. I (we) further understand that accepting this idea or material does not establish or create any relationship between Atlas Games and myself (ourselves) not expressed herein.

• I (we) understand that acceptance of this submission for review by Atlas Games does not create or imply any financial or other obligation on the part of Atlas Games. I (we) further understand that your agreement to review my (our) submission in no way restricts Atlas Games from publishing projects of its own on similar or the same topics in whole or part.

• I (we) agree that Atlas Games may have a reasonable amount of time in which to examine my (our) submission. Atlas Games agrees that it will return my (our) submission to me (us) provided it has been sent to Atlas Games with a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage (or International Reply Coupons) included. However, Atlas Games shall not be held responsible for submissions which are accidentally lost or damaged. (Always keep a good copy of your submission for your records.)
• I (we) warrant that I (we) am (are) the sole and exclusive owner(s) of this submission or the author's duly authorized agent. I (we) warrant that said submission (check one): *
Provide details here if previously published. Note that publishing also includes Kickstarters, digital downloads, print on demand, and publicly accessible virtual tabletops (VTTs).
• I (we) further warrant that said submission does not violate the rights of any third party, and that I (we) have complete right and authority to offer this submission for sale to Atlas Games. I (we) assume all responsibility should the acceptance or publication of this submission result in charges of copyright or trademark violation, and will bear all costs of any necessary legal defense.

• I (we) understand that the terms of this agreement cannot be modified except by a duly authorized employee or representative of Atlas Games, and then only in writing.
Name(s) of Designer(s) (or Authorized Agent) *
Note that this is your digital signature. If designer is under the age of 18, the designer's guardian must sign as duly authorized agent.
Today's Date
Mailing Address (no PO Boxes) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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