Clark Historic Farm Volunteer Application
Thank you for applying to be a volunteer at Clark Historic Farm!  Depending on the position, you may be asked to provide additional information. The information you provide will be used only for the purpose of addressing your qualifications for a volunteer position and will not be shared by us.
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
Cell phone number: *
May we text you at this number? *
Birthdate: *
Driver's License # (required for background check): *
Emergency Contact Name: *
Emergency Contact Phone: *
Previous work or volunteer experience (list): *
Educational background (degrees or certificates, area of study): *
Languages you speak: *
Any physical limitations affecting types of volunteer work you can perform? *
Current Employer: *
Training or experience related to volunteer jobs you are seeking? *
Any prior criminal convictions? *
If yes, please explain:
Special certifications (CPR, Master Gardener, etc.):
Your skills: *
Volunteer positions for which you wish to apply: *
Why do you want to volunteer at Clark Historic Farm? *
About how many hours per month can you volunteer at the Clark Farm? *
Which days of the week and times of day can you volunteer? *
Several of our big events are scheduled on Friday and Saturday. Will you be able to attend on weekend days? *
Personal Reference #1 (Name, phone #, how you know them): *
Professional/skills Reference #2 (Name, phone #, how you know them). *
Clark Historic Farm makes every effort to keep our visitors and volunteers safe. Are you willing to submit to a criminal background check?
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