Did you already complete Thrive's online form to register for class? *
Do you live within a 30 minute drive or Williamsport or Lock Haven? Scholarships are limited to people in this area.
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How many people live in your house and share income/expenses. Include children and adults. *
Your answer
Do you, your husband/wife, or your children (who live with you) receive any government benefits like cash assistance, medical assistance, food stamps, or public housing? If yes, please write the person's name and type of assistance.
Your answer
What is the total monthly income for all members of your household together each month after taxes? Include income for everyone in your family/household who shares expenses. (This is the amount you actually take home in a pay check, government assistance, social security, child support, alimony, etc. Include income from ANY type of work.) *
Your answer
Thrive asks students with scholarships to attend 75% of classes and complete all homework each month to continue to receive a scholarship in the next month. Can you regularly attend class and complete homework? *
Are you living in a homeless shelter or do you have other unusual financial challenges?
Your answer
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