West Campus Stables BOARDING Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a BOARDER at West Campus Stables! Being a boarder is an amazing opportunity to connect with our community and keep your horses in a beautiful and cost-efficient place just minutes from UCSB's campus. Before applying, PLEASE READ this entire description.

The first step is to fill out this application. After receiving your application, it will be reviewed by the executive board. If you meet our preliminary requirements, we will contact you to schedule an interview.

IMPORTANT NOTE: WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF COMMUNITY SPOTS. Students and Faculty/Staff have no cap, and availability is based solely on number of stalls.

Qualified Applicants demonstrate these qualities:

- Sufficient experience working with and riding horses
- Deep knowledge of horse handling etiquette and safety
- Ability to ride independently without a trainer or other supervision
- Reliability, integrity, and consistency
- Willingness to be an active and contributing member of the co-op
- Ability to recognize and appropriately respond to equine medical emergencies

Thanks agin for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you! If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at ucsbhorses@gmail.com or visit our website https://www.ucsbhorseboarders.com/.

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