Responsible Tourism Pledge
By signing this form you pledge to be an ethical, responsible tourist only by participating in experiences that ensure the safety and well-being of elephants and other wildlife as well as yourself and others. You pledge to do your homework to check up on the places and facilities you want to visit, choosing only those that demonstrably follow best practices as listed on and linked resources. You also commit to being part of the solution by speaking up whenever you see bad behavior and reporting it to the relevant authorities, travel sites, and public forums. If you are a tour operator, you pledge to follow best practices, only work with those who do the same and to be held accountable to your customers for doing so.
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Your Name: *
Company name, if pledging on behalf of a company / social media handle / website URL:
Your email: *
Are you a public figure such as a travel writer, blogger, social media influencer etc.? *
IF you answered YES to the previous question, would you like your name to be publicly displayed as a supporter of responsible tourism? *
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