HopeFest '22 Volunteer Registration
Sign up here to volunteer at HopeFest '22, at Northeast Early College High School on Saturday, October 22 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. We have two shifts (7:30 am to noon and 11:30 am to 4 pm).   This is an in-person event!  We will continue to follow CDC and Austin Public Health recommendations for safety precautions related to the current COVID-19 safety risk level.

HopeFest flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dCyLp7tFLVouIyPqqGbdzjnCln6F8QDj/view?usp=sharing

We will contact you with details about your volunteering no later than Thursday, October 20th. If you have questions before that, please contact aweeks@austinvoices.org or 512-653-4935
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *

Phone Number *
What languages are you comfortable speaking? (Check all that apply) *
Age (if under 21)
Please let us know if you are affiliated with a school, organization or group.
Do you want to volunteer alongside a group or your family? If yes, please explain. We will try to place and your group/family appropriately.
Which shifts would you like to volunteer with? Check all that apply. *
Which assignments would you prefer (we'll do our best to assign you appropriately) *
Do you have any special skills?
Do you have any questions?
Together we can do more!  Thank you for volunteering with us!
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