CCI Fall 2024 AI CFP Phase One Form

Preliminary Proposals Expression of Interest:

  • Researchers interested in submitting full proposals must submit an expression of interest and research direction to be considered for invitation to the September workshop. Note: to submit a full proposal, it is strongly encouraged that at least one PI has attended the workshop. 

  • The expression of interest should explain what you see as the research challenges for AI for cybersecurity or cybersecurity for AI. It would be best to briefly describe your expertise or area of research and how you can contribute to a team. Likewise, enumerating complementary expertise in your expression of interest to form a complete team would be welcome.

  • Submit your statement of interest by COB 8/14/24.

  • Please contact Eric Burger at regarding any questions or concerns regarding submission.  

Email *
Researcher Name *
Researcher E-mail Address *
Researcher Affiliation *
Preliminary Proposal Expression of Interest *
  • Write one to two paragraphs on the researcher’s proposed research area, how it might impact the cybersecurity posture of AI or ML, and how it might benefit from multi-disciplinary research. (limited to 3500 characters)
I understand the preliminary proposal expression of interest is required for a possible invitation to the AI Workshop tentatively scheduled for September 6, 2024 from 10 am - 3:30 pm at UVA's Link Lab. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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