2020 Oral History Center Spring Oral History Workshop Application: Saturday February 29, 2020
Please contact Shanna Farrell (sfarrell@berkeley.edu) with any additional questions. The workshop will be held on Saturday February 29, 2020, from 9am to 4pm in the Tilden Room of the MLK Student Union on the UC Berkeley campus. Registration is $125.

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Last Name *
First Name *
Current Position or Job Title *
Affiliation (type "independent" if unaffiliated) *
Preferred mailing address *
Email *
Phone *
Why do you want to learn how to conduct oral history interviews? (for example: family history project, doctoral dissertation, museum exhibition) *
Please list and briefly describe any experience you have had specifically related to oral history (e.g. field work in the social sciences, journalism, documentaries): *
Highest Degree Earned, Date: *
Institutions, Colleges Attended: *
Technical proficiency (analog audio, digital video, web, etc.): *
What do you hope to get out of the workshop? *
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