Public Request For Open Records Form
Prospect Ridge Academy records are open to public review unless otherwise exempted from disclosure by state or federal law.  Inspection of public records shall take place where designated by the custodian of the record, shall not be disruptive to the operations of the office, and shall be done in the presence of the custodian of the record or designee.  There is no duty to create a public record that does not already exist.  PRA will charge a redaction/research/retrieval fee of $33.00 per hour, after the first hour if the requested record(s) require staff research, retrieval or sorting.  Multiple requests by the same party within 30 days will be charged as one request.  Any such fee shall be paid prior to inspection of the records.  Copies may be furnished upon request and within a reasonable time and will cost 25 cents per page, to be paid in advance. 
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Date of Request *
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Telephone Number *
Information and/or Documents Requested (Please be specific): *
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