DiverseTechNW: Express your interest
Complete this form if:

1. You know about a problem (either you, someone you care for or your community experiences) that is caused/made worse by Tech — or the lack of it


2. You are from an under-represented background, curious, work well with other people, like to solve problems and are considering a career change


3. You are a person already working in Tech and you’d like to mentor and share your knowledge


4. Would like to find out more details

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How would you like to get involved? *
Tell us a bit about yourself  ( where do you work? How long have you worked in Tech?) *
Why do you want to get involved? (Lots of detail here is helpful - 250 word limit please) *
Where are you based? *
Would you like to be added to our mailing list and kept up to date with DiverseTechNW news? *
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